That’s right, Charmed ELves on Base is available for free starting September 30th, 2024. No raffles, no pre-sales, no bullshit. Just straight up free NFTs available on Base, and straight to your wallet from this website. Free NFT Mint We’ve done it. We’ve made your favorite elves available for free on Base. Snap them up…
The mission of Charmed Elves is to save the Mid-Realm, A.K.A Earth. Mad scientists rule what’s left of the future. There’s 10,000 Charmed Elves specifically created as Elvee, “The Derivative.” to freely travel all possible permutations simultaneously of the next three years, somehow before the wrong future can happen. Let’s clarify: When you mint a…
Data Driven NFTS Behind every NFT collection, there should be a strong underlying love for data. Good meta data for your NFTS makes them way more discoverable. We decided to make our meta data be as personal to the artist as possible. The artist behind most of Charmed Elves names all the layers and the…