Mint a Unique Charmed Elves, A.K.A., “Elvee the Charmed One.” This is your chance to jump into the Universe that’s going to be inhabited by the Charmed Elves. (No we can’t say any more about this right now!) Only 10,000 will ever be available! Get one today for free. These NFTs are existing on base so they can be minted totally for free!
She's Here & Free!
Learn more about Charmed Elves NFTS
Charmed Elves tells the unique and distinct story of Elvee and her 10,000 moods, all created to spread love, charm and NFTS! This PFP collection has limited numbers, capped at 10,000! Mint a Charmed Elves for free. If you want to discover more about all 10,000 NFTs, check out our NFT trait cheat sheet, containing complete meta data for these generative NFTS. Each is truly one of a kind with the following generative categories:
- Hair / Hair Color
- Aura
- Clothes / Jewelry
- Tattoo
- Backgrounds
- Skin Color / Tone
- Lips / Lip Color
- Eyes
- Eyes Shadow / Size
- Shades / Sunglasses / Glasses